Home Care members Urgent update on transfer conditions - Public Service Association

Home Care members Urgent update on transfer conditions

Home Care update conditions of transfer July 2015 (PDF version)

Without any discussion with the PSA, the NSW Government has suddenly decided to cease negotiations on the conditions for your transfer to a private provider.

As you would be aware, your union has been involved in extensive discussions with the Government for many months to secure the best possible transfer deal for members.

The PSA was not prepared to accept the terms proposed thus far by the Government as those conditions were vastly inferior to what was granted to other Government employees who have transferred to a private provider.

For example, employees of Sydney Ferries received a 30 week transfer payment – you are being offered only up to 8 weeks.

Power employees have received a 5 year employment guarantee – not you.

Further, these guarantees were given in a manner that was legally enforceable. That is, it cannot be changed by a future employer.

The Government has repeatedly refused to provide the same guarantees for you.

The PSA will not accept what is clearly an inferior deal for our members.

Why should we?

The PSA is aware that the Department has emailed you directly about this issue and today the Government has finally replied to our letter of 1 May 2015.

Once we have reviewed both these documents and consulted with your representatives, we will send a more detailed bulletin to all members.

In the meantime should you have any questions or concerns please email us at

Steve Turner
Acting PSA General Secretary

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