Corrective Services Benchmarking bulletin - Public Service Association

Corrective Services Benchmarking bulletin

Corrective Services Benchmarking bulletin – December 2017 (PDF version)

The benchmarking dispute was back in the Industrial Relations Commission on 19 December 2017 before Commissioner Newall. The PSA was represented by our solicitor and there were representatives from the NCDC, POVB, and COVB present. Extensive negotiations were facilitated by Commissioner Newall.

Since the last hearing on 30 November 2017 there have been continuing meetings between the PSA staff and delegates and Corrective Services (CSNSW).

As per the previous Benchmarking bulletin, the appointment process and ring-fencing were subject to Commissioner Newall’s recommendations.

The following matters were unresolved before yesterday’s hearing:

  • OSP issues including supervision and specialist programs
  • Cyclic rostering
  • COPP
  • Weekend staffing and responsibilities
  • Re-evaluation of the Senior Correctional Officer position
  • Case management allowance
  • Grandfathering of ‘L’ shift allowances at Berrima, Kirkconnell and Glen Innes. The Commissioner had asked for specific information about this shift allowance and delegates will contact members to discuss.

The PSA and Corrective Services have agreed to return to OSP and Case Management allowance in early 2018 as there was not enough time to address these matters. Discussions on the COPP are continuing this week.

The outcomes from 19 December were:

Cyclic Rostering: CSNSW has finally agreed with the PSA’s position that CSNSW cannot direct members when to take leave under Cyclic Rostering.

This means members will continue to apply for leave in the usual way if and when Cyclic Rostering is introduced. Members will not be told when they will take leave. The usual conditions about taking excess leave will still apply.

Weekend staffing and responsibilities: CSNSW will provide a list of post duties carried out by Assistant Superintendents at each individual centre to enable us to see what duties are being pushed down to SCO and other ranks. This will include urinalysis, charging of inmates and other matters that arise during COPP negotiations.

Re-evaluation of the Senior Correctional Officer position: CSNSW had re-evaluated the SCO position and the result was the same. CSNSW will provide the information used in the evaluation to the PSA. We will review this information and the AS post duties as in the previous point to assess to validity of the re-evaluation. This does not mean we will in the end be successful in having SCOs regraded but we will pursue the regrading until we are satisfied it was done properly.

Grandfathering of ‘L’ and ‘N’ shift allowances at Berrima, Kirkconnell and Glen Innes: CSNSW has agreed to this subject to further negotiation. The PSA has asked for the offer in writing and will discuss this with members once received.

Staff placement policy: The PSA will continue to monitor this to ensure it is applied equitably and fairly in benchmarked centres and centres yet to be benchmarked.

The dispute has been re-listed for 20 February 2017 and negotiations will continue between now and then.

As this is probably the final bulletin for the year, the PSA thanks all members, delegates, and branch executives for their help and efforts throughout 2017 and wishes everyone a happy festive season and New Year.

If you have any questions, please feed them back through your respective delegates.

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