RMS Heavy Vehicle Inspectors crib payments bulletin - Public Service Association

RMS Heavy Vehicle Inspectors crib payments bulletin

RMS Heavy Vehicle Inspectors crib payments bulletin – November 2017 (PDF version)

EOI members would be aware from previous bulletins and balloting, back-payment for the ‘meal break dispute’ was agreed between the PSA and the RMS.

The matter was heard before the IRC on 9 May 2017, where the RMS stepped out the agreement made with the PSA and the subsequent back-payments for afternoon and night shifts.

In the Joint Consultative Committee meeting on 16 August, the PSA again sought when payments would be made to staff. Despite management’s attempts to resolve the payments issue, Transport for NSW Shared Services (TSS) had yet to make payment and there was no confirmation on when these payments would be made.

The PSA wrote to the RMS on 18 August and sought a payment to staff by 1 September. RMS provided the PSA with an approximate completion date of 25 November. The PSA considered the time lapse of six months to be entirely inappropriate and sought the assistance of the Industrial Relations Commission under the dispute terms in the RMS Award.

The matter was heard before Chief Commissioner Kite on 9 September. The agreement between the PSA and RMS was not subject to the terms of a deed. The Chief Commissioner was sympathetic to the PSA and provided a strong recommendation that the payments to staff be expedited.

However, he did not order the payments be made in the terms sought by the PSA. Chief Commissioner Kite recommended the PSA wait for the 25 November timeline so TSS could finalise the ‘patch’ and make the subsequent back-payments.

Chief Commissioner Kite also advised the parties of the other options available for the PSA to seek redress outside of the IRC. Those measures are expensive and lengthy in timeframes.

The PSA has confirmed with the RMS that the process to identify the separate shifts (the patch) will be made by 23 November and EOI staff should receive the back-payments in the pay fortnight ending 14 December.

The only upside to the delay is that the payment will be made to staff just before the expensive Christmas period.

Members should check their payslips for these payments and have a copy of your rosters available so you have the ability to reconcile these payments.

If you have any issues regarding those payments, you can contact your local delegate or the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

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