Disability services strike action proceeding – 3 Feb 2017 (PDF Version)

Instead of agreeing to a path to resolution, the Department has sought and received orders from the Industrial Relations Commission to stop the strike.

The PSA however will proceed with the 24-hour strike on Tuesday, 14 February 2017, even if it means the union cops a fine for sticking up for the employment interests of our members.

The decision to continue with the strike action was made in response to the NSW Government’s refusal to negotiate proper equitable transfer arrangements.

Instead, disability services employees (ADHC) will be forfeiting tens of thousands of dollars in lost redundancy entitlements, access to penalty shifts and cuts to take home pay.

The Commission and the Department both expressed concerns about the risk to clients resulting from the strike.  The PSA has given the Department over four weeks notice of the strike.

However, to ensure no client is placed at risk, we have agreed to direct members to give seven days notice (where possible) of their unavailability to work on 14 February.

If we allow the NSW Government to get its way, disability services employees will:

  • Lose access to their NSW public sector redundancy entitlements
  • Have no protection over future rostering arrangements or access to weekend and penalty shifts
  • Be vulnerable to cuts to wages and conditions by their new employer

The NSW Government has offered other public sector workers far more favourable transfer conditions under other privatisation programs.  In addition to a two year employment guarantee, the NSW Government agreed to give NSW Ferry workers the option to transfer to the new operator or remain in the public sector, pay them up to 30 weeks compensation for agreeing to a transfer, protect their pay and conditions with the new operator under an federal enterprise agreement, and give them the option of accepting voluntary redundancy.

The PSA’s question is: why are disability services workers considered to be worth so much less?

The Department said in the Commission that disability service workers are an essential service.

Why then are they being treated as disposable?

Don’t be ripped off. Don’t be intimidated. The PSA has got your back.

Stand with the PSA on Valentine’s Day and fight for a better deal.

We’ll see you on Macquarie Street. #keepitpublic

Click HERE for details of all strike day information and venue

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