POVB enforces Crib Break Penalties on escorts for casual Correctional Officers - Public Service Association

POVB enforces Crib Break Penalties on escorts for casual Correctional Officers

POVB enforces Crib Break Penalties on escorts for casual Correctional Officers – April 2017 (PDF version)

Over a period of months in 2016, Corrective Services have refused to pay Crib Break Penalties to casual Correctional Officers performing hospital/medical escorts.

These penalties are an entitlement under section 10 paragraph (v) and Schedule B paragraph (vi) of the Correctional Officers Award and applies to both permanent and casual officers.

Following complaints from members who are casuals, the POVB made representations to the Department.

On 31 March 2017, the Department agreed that the penalties are payable.

Claims after that date will be paid and arrangements will be made to back pay existing entitlements.

This is a great win for casual Correctional Officers and for your union, the PSA.

Any members who have problems with claims for Crib Break Penalties on escort duties should contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772679.

Nicole Jess
PSA Prison Officers Vocational Branch (POVB)

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