Bulletin - Court Reporters Update - Public Service Association

Bulletin – Court Reporters Update

Court Reporters update No.2 - July 2019 (pdf version)

As members will be aware, management met with members on Tuesday, 2 July 2019 and presented information on the Role Description, Capabilities required, and myPerformance.

The meeting came about as a result of the PSA and delegates requesting at the May JCC that management should conduct a presentation for staff.  The PSA had made it clear to management that we were not happy with a number of points contained within the role description/capabilities and suggested that management should address staff on the capability framework.

The PSA has been in lengthy discussions with management going back some 18 months due to strong opposition and lack of agreement on various aspects of the Role Description, Capabilities required, and myPerformance. The PSA will continue to protect members’ interests in relation to the above issues.

A members’ meeting will be organised shortly to discuss management’s presentation.

What can you do?

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Your PSA staff:

Monika Wunderlin – PSA Industrial Officer

Alex Sala – PSA Organiser


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