Bulletin – Office of Emergency Management - Public Service Association

Bulletin – Office of Emergency Management

Bulletin - Jan 2020 (PDF version)

Change management

As members may be aware, the PSA has written to the Office of Emergency Management in relation to planned changes. This follows the all-staff meeting on Monday, 20 January 2020. So far, no details have been provided to the PSA about the planned changes, except that reporting lines are to change and there will be no cuts to staffing numbers.

The PSA has reminded the Department of Family and Community Services of their obligations to consult under the Award. Importantly, a Change Management Plan must be produced by the Department prior to the implementation of any changes. The PSA will be present at the next staff meeting this Thursday, 23 January 2020.

WHS issues

The PSA is aware of a number of recent WHS incidents at the OEM. Examples include working excessive hours and working 14 days straight. These and other examples of exhaustion and overwork are clear breaches of the Work Health and Safety Act NSW, which you can see HERE.

Following these incidents, the PSA wrote to the Office on 17 January 2020 seeking an urgent meeting. The PSA will be pursuing the issue and looking to escalate the matter to the Department.

What can you do?

  • Ask a work colleague join the PSA today
  • Make the union strong by forwarding this bulletin to your colleagues
  • Attend PSA meetings at your worksite
  • Get involved become a PSA Delegate

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Your PSA staff

Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer

Alex Sala Organiser

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