2013 Contract 100 and Contingent Workforce data request to the Department of Finance and Services - Public Service Association

2013 Contract 100 and Contingent Workforce data request to the Department of Finance and Services

STATUS: Completed April 2014


Access application for the following data in relation to the Government Expenditure Contract c100 and the Contingent Workforce (the Scheme) contracts for the period of 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013:

  1. Number of employees engaged under Contract c100 and the Contingent Workforce Scheme by agency and by supplier
  1. The total number of hours worked by employees employed under Contract 100 and the Contingent Workforce Scheme broken down by agency and by supplier within each agency
  1. The total value of expenditure under Contract 100 and the Contingent Workforce Scheme by agency and by suppliers within each agency
  1. Number of employees engaged under Contract 100 and the Contingent Workforce Scheme by agency and by supplier with each agency
  1. Number of employees engaged under Contract 100 and the Contingent Workforce Scheme by agency and by supplier within each agency and by category within each agency (so as to enable identification of how many personnel are supplied by each supplier in each category).

All data held on pay rates to employees engaged under Contract 100 and the Contingent Workforce Scheme.

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