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Call for nominations – Crown Employees Governors, Superintendents, Managers Security and Deputy Superintendents (CSNSW Senior Executive Advisory Group)  

Nominations are invited from the financial members of the above Group comprising Crown Employees Governors, Superintendents, Managers Security and Deputy Superintendents for the positions of: Chair Vice Chair Secretary Vice Secretary Executive Committee members (2) Each nomination must be seconded by two other members in the same electorate as the nominee. NOMINATIONS AND CLOSING DATE Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the…

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Safework: congratulations on your newly elected delegates

The PSA is pleased to announce that the following members have been elected unopposed as the new Safework (Non-Inspector) Delegates. Louisa Burns  Jodie Cleaves  Congratulations to the new Delegates and thanks to all who participated in the nomination process. PSA will continue to meet weekly with management to progress member concerns around the restructure.  You can now provide your feedback directly to your…

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Essential worker housing

The NSW Parliament is currently holding an Inquiry into Essential Worker Housing. The Public Service Association is currently drafting a submission to the Inquiry on your behalf. As an essential worker we would greatly value your input into the Public Service Association submission to help demonstrate the extent of the problem. You can help by completing a short survey which should take you 2-3 minutes…

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Call for nominations – Parramatta Square Workplace Group

Nominations are called for positions on the Parramatta Square Workplace Group Each nomination must be seconded by two other members in the same electorate as the nominee. The call for nominations is as follows:  41 Delegates Required   ELECTORATE NAME Includes the following areas Number of Delegates Communities Community Services & Housing 7 Customer Service SafeWork NSW, Service NSW, Dept of Customer Service Better Reg…

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PSA WIN! Group Supervision at the Helpline and DV Line is reinstated!

Responding to strong concern from Members as well as a lack of meaningful consultation by Helpline management, the PSA lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) in relation to Helpline’s decision to abolish group supervision. Yesterday (22/07/2024), the IRC matter was concluded with the Department reinstating group supervision at the Helpline and the DV Line. Group Supervision will be held monthly until the…

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