2017 Salaries Claim – update
The Crown Employees (Public Service – Salaries 2016) Award expires on 30 June 2017, along with awards covering the salaries of members in Local Land Services, IPART, ICAC, Audit Office and Urban Growth.
In January 2017, the PSA commenced the process of securing the next salary rise for members covered by these awards.
In February, after discussions at Central Council, we submitted a formal request to the Government for a 2.5% salary increase each year for the next two years.
As you know, 2.5% is all we are legally allowed to seek without trading off conditions.
The Government responded with a one year offer of 2.5%.
At the Industrial Relations Commission on Wednesday 17 May 2017, the matter was conciliated before Chief Commissioner Kite.
At that hearing, the Government failed to move from its one year offer.
Following discussions at the Commission, the Government have however undertaken to consider their position over the coming week.
Another conciliation conference is set down for Monday 29 May at 11am.
The PSA is determined to do everything it can to provide members with certainty and security around their family budgets through a multi-year pay agreement with the Government.
At the PSA’s Annual Conference next week I will be providing an update on the status of the pay case and seek feedback from Conference delegates.
I look forward to seeing many of you at Conference.
Troy Wright
Assistant General Secretary