YES! Rally for Marriage Equality - Public Service Association

YES! Rally for Marriage Equality

YES Rally for Marriage Equality – September 2017 (PDF Version)

The Marriage Equality Postal Survey is in progress. The PSA CPSU NSW is affiliated with Union Pride, the LGBTI+ arm of Unions NSW, and we have a chance to stand in solidarity with the LGBTI+ community on Sunday 10 September.

The trade union movement has always been at the forefront of social justice issues, and it is core union business to fight injustice and support equality for all Australians. This is why your union is supporting a ‘yes’ vote, and we will continue to fight for equality and dignity for all our members.

We are asking you to join us in marching for equality in the upcoming Yes! rally. The Melbourne rally attracted more than 20 000 people, with many unions in attendance. Let’s show them Sydney can do better!

The rally will be held at:

Sydney Town Hall

Sunday 10 September 2017



Further details can be found here.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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