Additional leave for bushfire-affected workers
The PSA is here for members in times of need. The bushfires have affected members like yourself in many different ways, whether it be preventing you from getting back to work after your holidays or shutting down your worksite entirely.
Due to these impacts, the PSA has negotiated with DPIE management for additional leave for bushfire-affected workers. If you could not attend work as a direct result of the bushfires, you should initially apply for FACS leave. The PSA has negotiated an extra five days of FACS leave for members who have been affected by the fires but have no remaining FACS leave.
For members who need more than five additional days, the department is being cooperative regarding leave requests and will consider all individual and collective cases for bushfire-affected workers. If you have not been able to go to work as a result of the bushfires, contact the PSA on 1300 772 679 and we will assist you with your request.
These are dark times but our union will stand together throughout them and, together, we will stand strong.