ADHC Industrial Bulletin State-wide ban on implementation of CIRT – 24 June 2015 (PDF version)
Members determined to fight to save their job security, pay and conditions and the ongoing quality of services that they deliver.
All PSA members are advised that completion of the new Continuous Improvement Review Tool (CIRT) is the subject of an industrial ban and members are directed not to participate in completing, lodging or requesting this documentation.
To ensure the safety of clients, members are directed to continue completing and submitting the Quality and Safety Framework Scorecard (QSF).
The PSA departmental committee (DC) executive for Ageing Disability and Home Care (ADHC) met on 19 June 2015 to discuss the privatisation of all public disability services in NSW.
At this meeting delegates resolved:
That the implementation of CIRT falls under the state-wide ban on “work related to the privatisation of ADHC” which has been in place since March 2014.
You can read the full 2014 resolution HERE.
This ban does not prevent reporting of safety issues and will not impact clients.
It appears that the CIRT document has been developed to facilitate and accelerate the privatisation of state provided disability services, with no demonstrated improvement in the capture of vital information.
The document individualises clients and can allow for the private sector to ‘cherry-pick’ those who have lower support needs. It also places those people with complex support needs at further risk of being forced to accept inferior and less stable services than they currently receive.
The QSF document provides an accurate and accessible means of providing necessary information so that the people members support will continue to receive the quality and comprehensive services they are currently receiving. This document has been in use for over a decade and introducing a new document at this stage of the privatisation of ADHC is counterproductive to the provision of quality services to people with a disability.
These bans show the determination of the members to fight to save their job security, pay and conditions and the ongoing quality of services that they deliver.
Members are fully protected when implementing directions from their union. The PSA will protect members from any adverse consequences resulting from this direction. If you experience any issues relating to the ban please speak to your delegate immediately or contact the PSA on 1300 772 679.
What else can members do?
• Pass this update onto your colleagues.
• Join your Local Campaign Action Group, contact your organising team at
• Ask non-members to support the union by joining at