ADHC Direction to strike – January 2017 (PDF version)
PSA members in disability directed to STRIKE for 24 hours!
All PSA members working in disability across NSW are directed to STRIKE on 14 February 2017 starting from the first day shift and lasting 24 hours.
As a result of the unilateral decisions and inflexible and arrogant nature of the Baird Government, your delegates have resolved to take industrial action for 24 hours on 14 February 2017.
Download and print the flyer HERE.
This strike is one of a raft of escalating actions in opposition to the privatisation and the Government’s attack on your job security, pay and conditions.
It has been brought on by members’ extreme frustration at the Government’s willingness to treat its own staff with contempt. Far from providing certainty and clarity, meetings specifically scheduled to consult over the privatisation have tied your delegates up in meaningless discussions on low-level, low-impact decisions of the Department.
All members must join the STRIKE and fight for your rights
The Baird Government wants to destroy your profession by privatising ALL disability services in NSW. This will be a disaster for you and thousands of people with disability and their families.
With renewed focus and drive your delegates are ramping up this campaign. We must all stand together and show Mike Baird we cannot be ignored.
There must be a safety net for people with disability and Mr Baird must protect your pay and conditions.
What we’re asking for:
- No forced transfer of staff
- An improvement on the employment guarantee period
- A vastly improved transfer payment
- The protection of excess employee entitlements
- Salary maintenance for non-transferring employees
- Protection of public sector salary increases
- Genuine priority assessment for non-transferring staff
- Conversion of all long-term temporary employees
- Protection of the FACS rostering principles and penalty rates
- Government protection of liability for employee entitlements
- Legally binding enforcement of the above and all other transfer arrangements.
Now is the time to stand strong with your union and fight for a fairer, more equitable outcome for yourselves and the clients you work with every day.
But what about the clients?
It is the Department’s responsibility to ensure the safety and care for clients and you are not breaking the law when taking industrial action. Notify your supervisor on the day that you are taking strike action; the Department has a duty of care for clients and must ensure appropriate support for them in your absence.
You cannot be punished for taking this action
You cannot be punished for participating in industrial action. You are protected by Clause 64 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award 2009 which states that “There will be no victimisation of staff members prior to, during or following … industrial action”.