Bulletin – Conversion of temporary roles to ongoing roles
JJ Conversions - Sept 2019 (PDF version)
Further to our bulletin dated 21 August 2019 on the conversion of temporary roles to ongoing roles.
The PSA is able to advise that Youth Officer temporary roles e.g. 12 months or more have been converted to ongoing roles at the following detention centres:
Frank Baxter 11
Reiby 9
Cobham 15
Riverina 9
Orana 6 and 6 casuals placed onto temporary contract.
This is another great win fought for you by the PSA in securing 50 ongoing roles.
What can you do in the meantime:
- Ask a work colleague join the PSA today
- Make the union strong by forwarding this bulletin to your colleagues
- Attend PSA meetings at your worksite
- Get involved become a PSA Delegate
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- Join the Justice Legal Fund? JOIN online!
Your PSA staff
Julie Bond
Senior Industrial Officer