Join Your Union
Unions win better pay and conditions for members
Unions negotiatate and enforce your entitlements at work
Unions fight for you to have secure ongoing employment
Unions are professional membership organisations providing advice and support to their members on all aspects of their employment including:
- Negotiating better pay and conditions
- Leave and other entitlements
- Supporting you if you are treated unfairly by your employer
- Protecting your well-being at work
Unions are made up of people just like you. Their decision making is collective and democratic.
Unions campaign on issues that are important to their members such as pay increases, entitlements, health & safety and respect at work.
The Public Service Association (PSA) is your union. By joining, you will have a voice and add to the strength and influence of the union in your workplace.
To find out more
CALL 1300 772 679
or visit