Change the Rules and Introduction - Public Service Association

Change the Rules and Introduction

Change the Rules and Introduction – May 2018 (PDF version)

Acting Regional Organiser– South East Region

My name is Bart McKenzie and I will be the Acting Regional Organiser for the South East Region for the next three months.

I grew up and still live in the Illawarra area and joined the PSA in 1996. I was a member and delegate for eight years before becoming an Organiser at PSA.

I have experience in both the State and Federal Industrial Relations Jurisdictions and have worked in Industrial Officer, Organiser and Senior Organiser roles over ten years at the PSA.

I am looking forward to getting out and visiting members in workplaces in the coming months and where possible working with my Sydney based colleagues to support you.

If would like to arrange a visit to your workplace please email me at or call the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

Join me at the Change the Rules Campaign Launch

On 31 May you will get your chance to be a part of winning change in your area!

The leader of the Australian union movement, Sally McManus, and the head of Unions NSW, Mark Morey, will be coming to talk through the plan to change the rules – because what we know is that time and time again, generations of Australian workers have come together to stand up against injustice, inequality and greed, and when we do we win.

We encourage PSA CPSU NSW members to attend and be part of the launch for change.

  • WHEN
    May 31, 2018 at 6:30pm ‑ 8:30pm
    Bomaderry Bowling Club, Sunset Room
    154 Meroo Rd

Register HERE.

Bart McKenzie
A/Regional Organiser

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