ChildStory – The rage continues!
ChildStory – The rage continues! – March 2018 (PDF version)
North Coast Community Services Members Walk Out Over ChildStory Disaster
More and more Community Services staff are joining our Safe Hands Campaign to demand a better child protection system that is focused on delivering outcomes for children, young people and their families.
ChildStory is only the most recent example of a Government and Department that will happily waste money on ineffective and bungled projects rather than spend it on frontline workers and essential support staff in Districts and Statewide Services. The cuts to frontline support are taking a toll on critical child protection work right across NSW.
To add insult to injury the architect of the ChildStory debacle has now been promoted to the NSW Government’s whole-of-government chief information and digital officer, a significant reward for overseeing a project he has left in disarray.
In the north coast region of NSW this has prompted PSA members to step up into delegate roles and fight for the child protection system this state deserves.
These delegates, along with their regional organiser Asren Pugh have supported angry and frustrated members to make a stand and demand action from FACS.
PSA members in Ballina and Lismore Community Services Centres walked off the job in protest, highlighting the horror stories from its premature roll out in local news and on the PSA Facebook Page.
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Photo: Lismore CSC
Photo: Ballina CSC
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