Community Services direction to use Workload Planner - Public Service Association

Community Services direction to use Workload Planner

Community Services bulletin – direction to use Workload Planner (PDF version)

The PSA’s Workload Planner (WLP) is a tool to help determine safe and workable caseloads for Community Services casework staff. It was designed by PSA delegates and members and endorsed by Community Services to protect members from over-allocation of work.

The WLP was introduced in 1997, and direction to use the WLP was issued to PSA Community Services members in June 2011.

Members are advised that the direction to use the Workload Planner remains in place.

This direction includes PSA members in management and supervisory positions, who should adhere to the guidelines in the WLP.

Please be aware that PSA members are protected from adverse action when following a union direction.

Why the Workload Planner is still valid

PSA members in Community Services are currently facing:

  • Increasing pressure to increase “productivity” and “throughput”
  • The allocation of an arbitrary number of cases (benchmark allocations)
  • A growing disconnect between the FACS executive and frontline staff
  • Psychological injury, one of the highest workers’ compensation claims in Community Services

All of these facts show that the Workload Planner is now needed as much as ever.

The WLP and supporting time to tasks have been updated to capture the majority of the new systems of work. The WLP can also be used as a template for members working in other Community Services’ roles, e.g. Psychologists, Casework Specialists.

How to use the WLP

A thorough explanation and all of the tools required are contained in the following documents:

Click on each of the above to access and download these documents.

Please also note that any cases that have nil hours of activity on the WLP should be unallocated on KiDS from the caseworker.

Any disputes about time allocated for each task, (if not resolved in the planning session) should be referred up to the next line manager.

Further support for PSA members

Over the next 6 months, PSA delegates and staff will be holding workplace meetings to further assist members in understanding and implementing the WLP.

For any other questions please contact your PSA delegates or email

Thanks for your support. Upholding the direction to use the WLP is crucial for the health and safety of yourself and your fellow members in Community Services.



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