The pay and conditions of NSW Members of Parliament Staff (MoPS) are seriously out of step with similar public and private sector roles. For several years, PSA Delegates in NSW Parliament have been calling for a formal independent review of the pay and conditions of Members’ Staff.
Finally, this year, an independent review was announced by DPS. It will run from mid-April until June 2022. We strongly encourage all PSA Member’s to complete the Surveys currently being undertaken by Department of Parliamentary Services. This review is a rare and important opportunity to call for MoPS jobs to receive decent pay and conditions.
This fact sheet will provide some of the information about your current pay and conditions in NSW Parliament so that you can engage with this review with the information you need to influence positive change.
The canvassing of the member’s views will be an important part of the creation of the PSA submission for this review and any industrial instrument created if successful in the repeal of the Members of Parliament Staff Act 2013. The PSA is committed to engaging with the membership to improve the working conditions of those working under the MOPs Act.
Please help to highlight the discrepancies between your day to day output and the pay and conditions you receive by taking our Survey here.
We also ask that you talk to your non-member colleagues to and encourage them to take this survey to help further our understanding and remember to JOIN! We’re stronger together.
We endeavour to keep our member list accurate but we rely on you to tell us where you are. If this Review is not relevant to you or you know someone who should have received this Bulletin but didn’t, please contact so we can update your details.