Corporate Services transformation restructure - meeting update - Public Service Association

Corporate Services transformation restructure – meeting update

Corporate Services transformation – meeting update – September 2017 (PDF version)

PSA Senior Industrial Officer, Thane Pearce and Organiser, Vivette Horrex met with Corporate Services Liverpool members on 30 August 2017.

The PSA provided an update to Liverpool members from the 22 August 2017 meeting with the Department in regard to the Transformation Restructure of Corporate Services delivery due to the privatisation of Ageing and Disability and Homecare services.

The PSA referred to the Change Management Plan and outlined the phased process and matching assessments of the restructure. Phase 2 is an internal process and there is no requirement to apply for a role.

The PSA also advised that the Mobility Pathway was created to provide opportunities for staff to be given priority for employment across the whole of the public service, and at this stage all employees will need to participate if they have not yet been matched to a role.

Some discreet areas are not affected until later in the year (probably November), these being ICT, CGP, FACsR and Commissioning, additional consultation will occur around those restructures with management and affected members.

If any member believes the criteria for direct appointment to the new role, which should be substantially the same as old role, has not been applied correctly they should contact the PSA for support.

The meeting was also chaired by your local Liverpool Delegates:

Boz Jawien – Level 5
Humberto Cisneros – Level 5
Angela Smy – Level 7
Ron Nicholls – Level 7
Leoncia Fabila – Level 9.

We encourage members to get involved in your union by becoming a workplace delegate or union contact. Find more information about the role of a delegate HERE.

The PSA provides training courses for all members under trade union training leave provisions. Subject to interest, we are arranging a restructure training day at Liverpool in October 2017.

The PSA will continue to monitor member feedback about the restructure and will consult with the Department about any concerns.

The PSA will provide support, advice and representation for any member negatively affected during the restructure.


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