Corrective Services – Coronavirus pandemic - Public Service Association

Corrective Services – Coronavirus pandemic

Virus Update - March 2020 (PDF version)

The PSA today conducted an emergency meeting with Corrective Services NSW to work through a number of critical issues arising out of the COVID-19 crisis. 

This meeting was attended by Commissioner Peter Severin, as well as PSA General Secretary Stewart Little, Chair of the POVB Nicole Jess, PSA Manager of Justice Julie Bond and senior departmental officials.

A number of important issues have been discussed and ongoing discussions shall be happening on a daily basis.

Arising out of the meeting a Command Centre has been established comprised of representatives from all areas of Corrective Services who will meet on a daily basis, seven days per week, to establish a strategic plan and to overcome challenges as and when they arise throughout Corrective Services.  

This Command Centre will include PSA representation. The PSA shall ensure that all areas of Corrective Services will be represented.

Suspension of non-legal visits

The Commissioner has agreed to a temporary suspension of non-legal visits at all centres across NSW whilst critical protocols are worked through. Parties agree the safety of Officers as well as their families is of paramount concern.

In order to alleviate issues from the current pandemic it is critical that protocols are developed consistent with the guidelines issued by the NSW Ministry of Health. A number of options have been looked at going forward including the use of audio visual and tablet technology as a means to limiting human interaction.

Representatives of the PSA shall continue to meet with the Department on an ongoing daily basis in order to establish protocols.

A further bulletin shall be issued shortly to deal with issues that were discussed in Courts and Transport and Community Corrections.


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