Corrective Services update re 'Market Testing' - Public Service Association

Corrective Services update re ‘Market Testing’

Corrective Services update to all members – ‘Market Testing’ – 24 March 2016 (PDF version)

Following Sunday’s Telegraph article on ‘market testing’ at John Morony, the PSA launched an extensive media attack highlighting the dangers of privatising this facility and other prisons.

On the afternoon of Tuesday 22 March, the department convened a meeting for the purpose of briefing all union delegates of groups affected by this ‘market testing’ exercise.

This meeting included representation from HSU, Teachers Federation, Nurses and Midwives’ Association and delegates across CSNSW for the PSA.

During the meeting a number of things were discussed including the anger around how the department made the announcement.

The process’s timelines were also outlined. The meeting was advised there will be a six-week period for the tender process, followed by what is now projected to be 28 weeks to conclude any bid CSNSW will prepare.

The PSA has been invited to have a representative on the bid-preparation team.

The EOI for the external tender is now advertised on the NSW Government Tenders website.

Other points from Tuesday’s meeting:

  • Assistant Commissioner Corcoran guaranteed no staff member would lose their employment as result of the market testing.
  • An internal in-house bid team will be developed for John Morony and will be chaired by Assistant Commissioner Corcoran.
  • There may be a further push from the Government for further reforms, but at this stage only John Morony has been identified as part of the ‘market testing’ process.
  • The timeline for RFT (Request for Tender) is extremely short, with decisions made by November of this year. If CSNSW bid is unsuccessful, the timeframe for the private operator to take over John Morony is July 2017.
  • Assistant Commissioner Corcoran stated all financial, operating data and IT property will be quarantined.

The Greens have put a motion on notice to the Legislative Council challenging the privatisation of prisons. You can read that motion HERE.

The PSA has requested a group be set up at John Morony Correctional Centre to allow all ideas and suggestions to be funnelled through to Assistant Commissioner Corcoran for consideration and for inclusion in the bid.

Delegates and PSA staff will continue to meet and strongly work for a successful internal bid.
Feedback can be provided through delegates or to


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