CPSU/PSA Pillar Bulletin and Meeting Notice - Public Service Association

CPSU/PSA Pillar Bulletin and Meeting Notice

The Union was notified today of the intention of the NSW Government to undertake a scoping study of the potential privitisation of Pillar.

We note that the Treasurer Mike Baird, in his press release announcing the study, has stated that any transaction would include protections for employees.

The Union will be writing to Mr Baird seeking urgent clarification of exactly what these protections are and to ask for a full disclosure of the terms of reference guiding the study.

The PSA/CPSU will be holding a meeting to speak to members about the announcement to discuss what actions to take:

 When: Friday 18 October
Where: Coniston Community Hall

We will also be discussing other changes occurring at Pillar including the restructure and the insourcing of the FSS contact centre. All members and non-members are welcome (membership forms will be available on the day).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your CPSU/PSA Industrial Officer Aaron Jones or your local Pillar delegates.

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