Critical Operations Saliva Testing
On Wednesday, 21 July the PSA and combined unions met with the Transport Covid-19 taskforce to discuss the introduction of critical operations saliva testing. TfNSW will shortly implement a new mitigation strategy of saliva testing for all staff at critical control centres. This testing is additional to the public health order requirements.
Key details:
- Testing will be supplied by Histopath and they will have staff at the worksites to conduct the testing.
- The testing will be a saliva test rather than nasal test which is less invasive and easier to conduct.
- Testing will be done in a discrete area.
- There are processes in place to conduct nasal testing for all workers at these sites in the event that there is a positive case. The advice from NSW Health is that this could exclude workers from having to go into 14 days of self-isolation.
- Testing can be done anytime during a shift, whenever the individual has the time.
- Daily testing will occur at
- Transport Management Centre
- Petersham Training Centre
- Additional contingency testing arrangements will be set up at a number of other sites in case the situation worsens. These are:
- Regional Transport Operations Centre
- Tugun Control Building
- State Maritime Incident Coordination Centre
It is intended testing will commence the week beginning 26 July 2021. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to get in contact with your organiser, Ben James .