Department of Customer Service (DCS) – Restructure/Realignment JCC September update - Public Service Association

Department of Customer Service (DCS) – Restructure/Realignment JCC September update

Department of Customer Service (DCS) – Restructure-Realignment JCC September update 2019 (pdf version)

This bulletin follows our regular fortnightly meeting with DCS over the ongoing restructures/realignments and other transitional arrangements as a result of the Machinery of Government changes. The last meeting was held on 19 September 2019.

At that meeting a number of transition and Restructure/Realignment Management Plans were presented to the PSA, this bulletin is a brief overview of that meeting.

  1. People and Culture
  • HR Business Partner, People Services, and Business Operations teams

As there are either more or the same amount of roles at grades there is no need for a full RMP, so a transition plan with the structure and placement process has been released.

A two-week consultation period on the proposed structures is currently in progress through to Wednesday 2 October 2019.

In relation to the Transition Management Plan for this area, the Department acknowledged that through the consultation process that there was a lot of disappointment expressed from Service NSW staff. It was also acknowledged that staff in areas identified as corporate services who may not be directly impacted at this time should also have an opportunity to provide feedback.

There have been concerns raised as to the fairness for those staff who may be looking to use salary maintenance and when this will begin. The Department considers that most RMP’s have now caught up with each other for the moment but will look at the date of effect to make this fairer.

The Department was able to confirm that all leave over the Christmas – New Year closedown period will be within the salary maintenance period and that it was still looking to allow staff the opportunity to have their recreation and extended leave balances paid out at their higher rate.

Staff can receive VR calculations upon request and they are looking to provide further clarification on the transition and time for staff to get financial advice.

  • Organisation Development RMP

Structure and Role Descriptions have been released for a 2.5-week consultation period through to Friday 4 October.

  • Talent and Diversity RMP

While acknowledging that there had been a significant reduction in the recruitment team, the Department noted that there was an increase in roles around diversity and no change to the number of identified roles.

Consultation is through to Friday 4 October 2019.

  1. Office of the Secretary RMP

A significant reduction in roles at all grades with the Clerk Grade 11/12 and 9/10 most affected. In response to concerns about workloads on the reduced structure the response was that it was expected that changes to Ministerial Services and Policy to work across all areas and changes to Cabinet processes will address this.

The draft structure is open for consultation through to Wednesday 2 October 2019.

  1. Better Regulation Division

All new Executive Directors have now been appointed. While it is not expected that there will be significant job losses in BRD, they did mention that they would be looking to consolidate the support staff across the division.

  1. Call Centre Report

The Call Centre Project has now been renamed to ‘Customer, Engagement and Integration’(CEI). The draft report has been put forward but not yet finalised and while it is looking at what work can be transitioned across to Service NSW it is not anticipated that there will be any immediate outcomes and will be subject to longer-term consultation.

There was a small area of work identified at the SafeWork NSW Counter in Gosford that will be moved to Service NSW but it was stated that this would have no impact on existing staff.

  1. New MOG changes – Building Policy Team move from DPIE to DCS – BRD

This will affect 10 staff who will be transitioned into DCS. The Department has met with affected members to discuss the transition onto the DFSI Flexible Working Hours Agreement (FWHA).

  1. Transition onto DCS Systems – Liquor and Gaming, IPC and BDM

Work has begun on this with a view to being able to ‘on-board’ these areas onto DCS payroll systems by the end of February 2020. This will also require a move onto the DFSI FWHA and other technology platforms.

  1. 4 Parramatta Square

There has been a delay to the completion date through to February 2020. There has been no change at this time to the staff who have been notified that they will be moving to this location.

  1. Next Meeting – Thursday 3 October 2019

A DCS financial officer will be attending the next meeting to discuss with the PSA any savings through the MOG/RMP process.


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