Your PSA representatives recently met with the Department of Customer Service (DCS) for the Recurring Joint Consultative Committee (JCC). The following is a report back to members on matters that were discussed:
COVID- 19 vaccination update
The Department has advised the PSA that Phase 1 and 2 employees who have not completed the DCS Vaccination Register will begin receiving letters directing them to comply.
The PSA again encourages our members who are unable to comply with the mandatory vaccination for whatever reason to engage with the DCS HyperCare team and contact the Member Support Centre if needing individual support.
What about Novavax?
The PSA understands that some members would prefer to wait for Novavax to be available before complying with the policy. While the PSA has advocated for flexibility for members, DCS has advised that the Hypercare Team has not accepted wishing to wait for the Novavax as a basis for exemption except in cases where there are other compounding factors.
Temporary contraindication
Members have raised questions with PSA regarding the changing medical advice on vaccination exemption periods after contracting COVID-19. We are aware that doctors have been able to give a six-month exemption using the old forms (recently updated forms are for six weeks.) The Department has agreed to honour the form provided by the employee.
NSW Telco Authority restructure
The PSA has been advised that the final draft Restructure Management Plan (RMP) is before the Secretary for approval. The Department confirmed that in response to the PSA’s feedback, changes had been made to the draft RMP. As the RMP has not yet been signed off by the Secretary, we expect to find out in the next week exactly what those changes are.
Changes to flexible working arrangements
The Department has decided to offer non-executive staff the ability to work compressed hours. While the framework for this has yet to be finalised by DCS, the current proposal is for full-time employees in suitable roles to be able to work their 35 hours in a compressed working week i.e. employees would work 35 hours over the course of four days and have the fifth day as a Rostered Day Off. As hours will be set in the system, non-executive staff would not have access to flexible working hours.
While part-time employees will not have access to a compressed working week, the Department is looking to instead offer them the ability to work a reduced pattern of days by allowing them to extend the span of daily working hours to a set maximum.
Your union welcomes the opportunity for members to access flexible working arrangements, but will monitor this going forward to ensure it does not create a negative impact on working hours.