Department of Justice Organisational Performance & Operations Division Restructure - Public Service Association

Department of Justice Organisational Performance & Operations Division Restructure

Department of Justice Organisational Performance & Operations Division Restructure – July 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA is currently consulting with the Department of Justice NSW regarding the OPOD Restructure, which currently involves:

  • Asset Management Services
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Information Technology Services.

Asset Management

On Monday, 27 June 2016 the Department held a meeting with Asset Management Service staff to release the change management plan for Asset Management.

The consultation period commenced on Monday, 27 June 2016 and is scheduled to conclude on 26 July 2016. Feedback is to be provided by 11 July 2016.

Office of the General Counsel & Information Technology Services

The PSA will be meeting with the Department on 7 July 2016 to discuss members’ feedback on the plan.

Feedback has now formally closed for Office of the General Counsel and Information Technology Services change management plan. We encourage all members within Asset Management to review their plan and provide any feedback to the PSA.

The PSA will collate the feedback and provide written response to the Department at the end of the consultative period. Please provide this feedback to Jessica Moore at by 8 July 2016 and this feedback will be collated and provided to the Department.

What can you do?

Encourage and assist a colleague to join your union, and we’ll say a collective thanks by giving you a $75 gift card!  Issues of concern should be raised with your workplace delegates or through the PSA’s Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

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