DFSI - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Training - Public Service Association

DFSI – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Training

DFSI – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Training – May 2019 (PDF version)

PSA members have again raised concerns about communications from Management indicating that the 7 Habits training is compulsory.

As communicated in a previous bulletin HERE, the Department has confirmed to the PSA that the 7 Habits training is optional:

“The purpose of the 7 Habits is to help DFSI employees become more effective at DFSI, in our working relationships and in everyday life, and will help us move towards making DFSI a great place to work. The course is designed to provide employees with tangible, long-lasting life skills. It helps them become more proactive and outcomes-focussed, improve prioritisation, decision-making and communication skills, and be more productive, both at work and in their personal life and is therefore highly recommended. As such the department initially advised that this training was mandatory however, the department has reviewed its position and can confirm that the 7 Habits training is optional.”

The PSA has not been advised of any change to this position and so any advice to the contrary from local managers should be disregarded and referred to this and previous bulletins.

The PSA has no issues with members wishing to complete the training but to confirm, the 7 Habits training is not compulsory, it is not mandatory, it is optional.

The PSA advises members whose managers pursue them in relation to this matter, that they should contact HR and confirm it for themselves.  Or better yet, read this bulletin.

What can you do in the meantime?

  • Ask a work colleague join the PSA today
  • Make the union strong by forwarding this bulletin to your colleagues
  • Attend PSA meetings at your worksite
  • Get involved become a PSA Delegate
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