DPI Water – Change management update
DPI Water – Change Management update – May 2017 (PDF version)
This bulletin updates members on the status of change management planning implementation within DPI Water and how they can be supported and involved.
Current status
Nick Player from the PSA and members of DPI Water Workplace Group met with DPI Water Executive, PLC and Industry IR staff Thursday 4 May. Below is a summary of the key outcomes from the meeting:
1. Communication
Regular (weekly) communication about the recruitment progress will be provided by Nick Cook. However, the recruitment itself is being managed by individual directors. Greater consistency in announcing appointments will also be sought.
2. Role descriptions
Management is working towards ensuring role descriptions exist for all positions. The PSA is seeking that these be provided prior to June, when PDPs are required.
3. Staging of recruitment
Clarity on the staging of the internal and external recruitment process was provided. In summary, our advice is if someone accepts a position internally they cannot be assessed internally for another position. For an advertised role that goes external, anyone can apply. If an internal candidate gets a promotion from an externally advertised role and thereby creates a vacancy, affected staff at grade who have not yet been successful will be assessed internally prior to that vacated position going external. In short, affected staff will not be declared excess (unless they request it) until those opportunities are exhausted.
So the two key points are –
- If you accept a job you can no longer be in the internal mix.
- Where a vacancy presents itself (such as through someone getting a promotion) remaining people at grade who have not obtained roles will be assessed first before going external.
4. Conversations for completeness
Whilst acknowledging these meetings may be difficult for some people, particularly those not yet in roles, they may be useful for some staff. Further ‘conversations’ would also occur after recruitment was complete. Affected staff who ask difficult questions or are silent in these meetings will not be disadvantaged in any assessments. All internal assessments are now complete.
The PSA has seen positive results from our representations. For example, the email update from management on Monday 15 May reflects recent discussions with PSA, which has advocated for affected staff to have full visibility of roles available to them for internal assessment.
Getting involved
The PSA invites all members to consider participating in the workplace group or nominating as a delegate for DPI Water. This is the best way to be informed of workplace issues, to stand up for union values and to make the most of your membership.
Michael Wrathall will be stepping down as a delegate, though he will still be involved in an informal capacity. This, combined with other membership changes arising from the restructure, provides an opportunity for you to become more involved. If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact the PSA organiser
Dave McKeough on 0400 491 005 or .
Please also be advised there is a number of training opportunities available to all members at no charge. Members are eligible to take paid leave for up to 12 days of training over two years, another way to make the most of your membership. See the website HERE or below for further details of upcoming training courses.
2017 Sydney Metro schedule
- Role of the Delegate – Tuesday 6 June + Wednesday 7 June
- Dealing with Member Issues – Tuesday 20 June
If you would like support for any individual issues, please contact either your workplace representatives or the PSA direct on the phone number block below.
PSA ~ Working harder for members, Call 1300 PSA NSW (1300 772 679).