Driver testing update - Public Service Association

Driver testing update

Testing and COVID-19 - March 2020 (PDF version)

The PSA has been actively making representations to the Department of Customer Service in relation to our concerns for your safety in response to COVID-19.

The Department has confirmed it expects driver testing to continue, despite the obvious risk to your health and safety being in an enclosed space for approximately 45 minutes. The Department has stated that if Driver Testers feel unable to continue testing, they should “have a conversation with their manager”.

While we are still expecting more decisive action from Service NSW in the near future, for now it has opted for what we see as a self-regulating response from staff.

The PSA’s position remains that any Driver Tester who reasonably feels unsafe in their work has the right under Section 84 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to cease unsafe work.

In this instance, you are advised to discuss your concerns with your supervisor and it is the expectation of the PSA that suitable alternative duties will be found for you. To be clear; if you cease unsafe work you need to remain available to carry out suitable alternative work.

If you experience any difficulties in doing so you are advised to contact the PSA for further assistance. If any member experiences any difficulty, or is directed to perform work the employee has reasonably deemed unsafe, the PSA will be willing to make representation in the Industrial Relations Commission on their behalf. The PSA notes that conciliation of most industrial disputes is sensibly occurring via teleconference to maintain social distancing and mitigate risk of potential exposure.

This is a constantly evolving situation, with the PSA continuing in its representations on your behalf on this and other related matters. We are expecting further announcements in the coming days.

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