EPA continues to push through changes during the COVID-19 pandemic - Public Service Association

EPA continues to push through changes during the COVID-19 pandemic

The PSA is extremely disappointed with EPA management’s decision to push the realignment through at this historically challenging time. Despite the suspension of restructures in other NSW Government departments, the EPA has continually refused to postpone the implementation of this restructure despite the concerns of our members not being adequately responded to. 

The PSA understands from members that there are still major failings with the realignment, such as role confusions, equity of division of reporting and uncertainty concerning specialist and generalist roles.

Management has also provided an inadequate response to the PSA’s comprehensive submission, which was compiled from the thoughts, concerns and questions of many members. The response to this submission can be found HERE. Many of the responses from EPA management have simply been “noted”.

There clearly remains a number of unresolved issues which the PSA will be raising with EPA management regarding this ill-thought-out realignment.

To discuss our response, and to hear an update on how COVID-19 affects your rights, there will be an online members meeting held this Thursday 9 April 2020 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. To video or audio conference in, click on the following link:


There has never been a more vital time for the union.

If you know someone who is not a member, encourage them to join the union so that their voice can be also heard.  Join today at www.psa.asn.au/join.

Your PSA delegates and industrial staff are available for members who need support.  If you would like to contact the PSA about this or any other matter, you can call the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

You can also speak to your delegates:

David Bell
Jane Burgett
Judith Greenwood
Scott King

PSA Industrial staff

Michael Sinclair Industrial Officer
Harry Wall Organiser

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