FACS PSA members bulletin
PSA seek amendments to OneFACS change plan to avoid ‘spill and fill’ for non-executive staff
The PSA has responded to the Department of Family and Community Services draft OneFACS Non Executive Staff Transition and Change Management Plan by seeking amendments that would enhance employment security and avoid a messy spill and fill for non-executive staff.
Our submission is based on 5 core elements including:
- A freeze on external advertisement of all non-executive, non-front line roles until completion of an internal placement process;
- A general voluntary redundancy program in which all affected non-executive staff are invited to express interest in VR;
- Prioritising, wherever possible, the assignment of ongoing staff to suitable ongoing roles;
- A closed (internal) recruitment process for promotional/residual vacant roles including eligible long term temporary staff prior to external advertisement;
- Job/voluntary redundancy swaps between employees with equivalent roles/classifications.
The advantages of our approach include:
- Ensuring the Department has the best opportunity to match staff to their preference for either ongoing employment or voluntary redundancy;
- Allowing the Department to factor this information into its budgeting and final structural design;
- Maximising reassignment (and redeployment) opportunities for existing employees; and
- Significantly reducing the Department’s overall redundancy liability risk.
A copy of our full submission can be read HERE
Our proposal prioritises job security, is fiscally responsible and places an emphasis on employee preference.
We expect to meet with the Department in coming days to discuss our submission in further detail.
We’ll be holding a meeting at Cavill Avenue, Ashfield:
Date: Monday, 6 July 2015
Time: 1:00 – 1.30 pm – All Staff
1:30 – 2:00pm – Members only
Venue: Meeting Room G1 and G2
Representatives from OneFACS, Human Resources and Employee Relations have been invited.
For more information contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 or
If you’d like to arrange a meeting in your workplace contact your local workplace delegates or email: