Free training for PSA members @ Health
Free training for PSA members at Health – November 2017 (PDF version)
Did you know all PSA members are entitled to 12 days paid training leave for union courses every two years?
Did you know that the PSA runs a range of courses that you can attend free of charge?
Make the most of your membership and check out one of your union’s excellent training courses in the new year…
Introduction to the PSA – Tuesday 20 February
Learn about the PSA and get more involved in how your union fights for justice in the workplace.
Role of the delegate – Tuesday 27 February
Discuss the role of the delegate with other members in the public service: what delegates do, delegate protections, organising skills, recruitment, working with issues, union values and involvement. Any member can learn from this course and is welcome to apply.
Care and resilience – Wednesday 28 February
This course provides information, strategies and resources to build personal resilience and enhance mental health awareness. It also provides participants with strategies to identify and support a colleague/s with mental health issues and encourage them to seek professional help.
Women in the union – Tuesday 13 March
Celebrate International Women’s Day in 2018 by learning about the important role women have and can play in building strong unions. Topics include history of women’s participation in the workforce, your rights and entitlements, union structures, assertiveness, EEO and anti-discrimination.
Dealing with member issues – Wednesday 21 March
This one-day course is for delegates who want to develop their ability to assist members with individual workplace issues.
The course will look at how deal with individual issues by using the problem solving framework, and by developing advocacy skills.
Workplace bullying – Tuesday 3 April
This one-day course is designed to assist members and delegates in dealing with bullying and harassment at work.
Meeting + negotiation skills – Tuesday 10 April
Learn ways to run a meeting and negotiate with management. This is a great course for active members and delegates to do to brush up on their skills.
Dealing with restructures – Friday 4 May
It seems like every day a new restructure is being announced in the public service. Make sure you are skilled up on how to get the most out of government guidelines and department policy so that you’re in the best position in a changing workplace.
Public speaking – Tuesday 15 May
This one-day course is designed to assist members and delegates in dealing with bullying and harassment at work.
It’s easy to register for free PSA training
Step 1: Register online HERE.
Step 2: Apply for special leave through your normal leave approval process
Step 3: Once you receive your release letter from the PSA training unit; submit it with your manager
Step 4: Attend excellent training courses for FREE delivered only by your union the PSA
Your Ministry of Health delegates are:
Julie Westacott
John Bertacco
Peter Gilfedder
For more information contact the PSA on: 1300 772 679 or email us at ">.