General Assistants bulletin – Relief GA during recreation Leave – November 2017 (PDF version)
Members advise that sometimes they are having difficulty taking recreation leave and getting schools to replace them during absences.
There is a lot of false information which is circulating around schools now that LMBR and the RAM has been rolled out across the state.
The PSA has made enquiries of the Department of Education (DoE) on the formal arrangements which should apply when a GA takes recreation leave.
The official DoE position is recreation leave is mapped to be non-chargeable to schools. This means while the substantive GA is on approved recreation leave he is funded from the centre and not from the school.
For the period of approved recreation leave the funding for the GA position remains in the school and can be used to fund the replacement GA.
Essentially, GA recreation leave is cost-neutral to the school and you should be able to take your leave without concern that the school will be worse off, or having to pay extra to another GA to replace you.
GA survey 2017
It has been a while since the GA membership has been surveyed so the PSA can learn of the industrial issues which are impacting on members across the state.
GAs are encouraged to take the time to complete the survey. All information provided will be held in the strictest confidence. The survey is for internal PSA use and individual responses will not be shared with third parties.
You can complete the survey HERE.
The survey will only take 15 minutes of your time and can be completed at home if you do not wish to use computers at school. If you don’t have access to a computer and would like to complete the survey, please call the MSC on 1300 772 679 and a hard copy can be posted to you.
The GA Survey 2017 will close on 8 December 2017. A bulletin will be provided to GA members after the survey has closed and been analysed to inform members of the results.
Welcome to the new General Assistants Advisory Group (GAAG) delegates
The recent call for nominations and ballot of GA members sees some new faces on the GAAG. Congratulations and welcome to GAAG Delegates!
For members’ information, your GAAG Delegates are: