Housing NSW – 5pm counter closure
Housing NSW bulletin 5pm counter closure 19 December 2014 (PDF version)
FaCS HOUSING – PSA meeting with management
PSA members have raised concerns about Housing moving to the OneFaCS hours – counter operations ceasing at 5pm rather than 4:30pm.
These concerns include:
- a security risk for staff leaving late;
- work/life balance issues due to shifting operational hours half an hour later (8:30am-4:30pm to 9am-5pm);
- burden of responsibility shifting to Senior Client Service Officers when a client presents ‘late’ and no other staff are available; and
- rostering arrangements not being fair and transparent.
Management’s responses
Staff will have the option of referring clients who present after 4:30pm to ‘Link to Home’.
Any risk to staff is a concern. A risk already exists for those in certain sites departing late. The later counter opening time should not necessarily increase this risk. Considerations will be made for staff in regional areas (West and Far West) who may need to drive after dusk.
The overall impact should be negligible and should be able to be addressed by fair and transparent rostering arrangements.
Message to PSA members
If you consider yourself at risk due to the later counter times discuss this with your manager, your PSA delegate, and/or contact the PSA Member Support Centre.
The PSA will fight to ensure your rostering arrangements are fair and transparent, as per management agreement. If you aren’t satisfied with your rostering arrangement: discuss the matter with your Manager, your PSA delegate, and/or contact the PSA Member Support Centre.
PSA Member Support Centre 1300 772 679