Improving governance at the PSA
Dear members,
The PSA is committed to meeting the highest standards of internal governance.
Some of the reforms recently undertaken that demonstrate this commitment include:
- In May 2015 the PSA Rules were amended to reintroduce a prohibition against donating any funds or resources of the PSA to any political candidate, group or party. This longstanding ban had been removed from the PSA Rules in 2008.
- The PSA’s first Strategic Plan was introduced in June 2014, which includes a commitment to implement and report against recommendations made by the ACTU in its ‘Union Good Governance Handbook’.
- A dedicated Employee Relations & Governance Officer was engaged on a full-time basis in November 2014.
- Information on the financial management of the Association is now proactively published, including annual financial statements and the remuneration levels of the General Secretary and the Assistant General Secretary.
- Regarding the remuneration levels of the General Secretary and the Assistant General Secretary, an independent consultant confirmed that they accord with equivalent work done by public sector workers.
- Negotiating and implementing the first ever PSA Staff Enterprise Agreement in May 2016, with the conditions of employment for PSA staff consistent with the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009.
- Promoting the use of merit selection processes when engaging PSA staff.
- A Member Complaints Resolution process was implemented in August 2015.
- Surveying PSA members to ensure continuous improvement.
Members can be assured that the PSA manages our collective resources properly and promotes transparency and accountability.
Yet more reason to be Proud to be PSA.
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If you have moved home or work location, or you have changed your contacts, please update your membership details HERE.