IPART: Joint Consultative Committee
Your union, the PSA, recently attended the IPART Joint Consultative Committee. In attendance were local delegates Lil Cullen and Felicity Hall.
Matters discussed included
TSO model TSOs are now reporting to Michelle James. There is an opportunity to learn new skills and share workloads. Management has reported that the changes seem to have been well received, although the new model will take a bit of time to settle in.
PMES and Pulse Survey Update Using the PMES results from each team, Directors have had discussions with their team and action plans have been presented to the Executive Leadership Team. The next staff survey will be the actual PMES.
Flexible Working Policy After consultation, the revised policy has now been rolled out and seems to be working. The policy needs to be supported by better technology, in particular to enable teleconferencing between team members – Microsoft TEAMS was suggested as a good option and management has advised this will be available to staff later this year. The flexible working group is rolling out a toolkit to support teams using flexible working arrangements, which covers presently available technology and will be updated as new technology comes to hand.
Draft Employee Development Policy The PSA sent a letter to IPART management providing feedback on the policy (see copy here). Comments are being considered and changes will be made. The PSA comments on mobility will be considered as part of the employee mobility initiatives.
IPART Strategic Plan Working Group It was noted there has been a number of staff involved in the working group and it has been a consultative process.
Machinery of Government Department of Customer Service has agreed that Corporate Services will be retained in IPART until June 2021.
Human Resources This team has now been restructured into two positions.
Next meeting will be in approximately three months’ time. Not a member? If you want to have a say in matters that affect you, join your union now at www.psa.asn.au.