Justice Corporate Restructure Management Plan - Public Service Association

Justice Corporate Restructure Management Plan

Justice Corporate Restrucuture Management Plan - August 2020 (pdf version)

Meeting with Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) regarding Justice Corporate Restructure Management Plan

This week, the PSA met with the DCJ Human Resources following concerns members had raised over the RMP process. In particular, the PSA detailed member concerns in relation to the application process in phase three of the RMP. The PSA expressed that due to the inconsistent advice given to staff, individuals have missed out on roles and have no option but to compete in the open market for a role in phase four. The PSA also conveyed to HR that there was inconsistent advice in regard to meeting capabilities in roles and whether matching would occur. The PSA is currently collating names of individual members who have missed out on a role in phase three and would like further assistance from HR. If you would like to be added to the list, please get in touch.

The PSA also asked HR to confirm what the implications of the State Government’s no forced redundancies policy was in relation to members who had been declared excess. HR advised that they would be able to provide a response once the salaries case has been decided.

At present, the full bench of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission has reserved their decision. For the latest information on the PSA’s salaries case, please click HERE. In the meantime, HR have advised that unassigned staff will be declared excess and be provided with meaningful work and assignments.

Your PSA staff

Alex Sala

Monika Wunderlin
Industrial Officer

What can you do?

  • Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at: https://psa.asn.au/join
  • Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
  • Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.

Get involved as a PSA Delegate or Contact: get in touch with your Organiser.


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