Juvenile Justice Increase in staff assaults - Public Service Association

Juvenile Justice Increase in staff assaults

Juvenile Justice Increase in staff assaults – June 2017 (PDF version)

There was a further compulsory conference before Chief Commissioner Kite of the NSW IRC on Wednesday 31 May 2017.

As discussed before Chief Commissioner Kite, the PSA’s position remains there must be an established therapeutic unit or centre in which high-risk detainees can be managed.

As asked by Chief Commissioner Kite, the Department was to go back and make enquiries regarding the meeting as reported in our last bulletin 13 April 2017 regarding the meeting the PSA had with Minister Elliott.

The Department advised that Ms Hawyes, Executive Director confirmed the PSA did meet with Minister Elliott. However, the Department reported a different position than what we had reported back in April.

The Department did advise Chief Commissioner Kite it believed it is not that far apart from the PSA’s position in managing these extreme high-risk detainees. It has put forward that a working party for Cobham, Frank Baxter and Reiby should be formed with the PSA to work through the regime of how we manage these detainees.

The PSA has stated this working party must consist of both Centre and Community delegates to ensure a realistic and practical approach is used to ensure the management of those detainees presenting difficult and challenging behaviours.

Following the IRC appearance on 31 May 2017, the PSA, along with the General Secretary and delegates met with the Shadow Minister for Justice, Mr Zangari.

The PSA outlined the concerns relating to the continued dangers faced by staff and that the current system of managing these high-risk detainees within the general population is not only placing staff at risk but also other detainees.

Shadow Minister Zangari, is in full support of the position as put forward by the PSA and has asked we provide him with our current concerns and what we need to create and safe environment for both clients and staff.

This report is currently being completed by your DC delegates and your comments on the management of those detainees are very important and they can be emailed to .

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