Local Land Services Joint Consultative Committee
Local Land Services Joint Consultative Committee – March 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA and your workplace delegates met with management on 21 February for our quarterly Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting.
One of the standard items on every meeting agenda is whether there are any restructures occurring. We are advised currently no new restructures are underway and we will be contacted for consultation if they have a firm proposal for restructuring in any region.
We understand there is at least one area where there is a ‘Business Review’ being conducted. We have asked for clear feedback on precisely what this is. Currently we are advised it is not a restructure and there are no defined outcomes stemming from this.
Good communication and early awareness is important in these issues. The employer has an obligation to consult with the union. If you have reason to believe a restructure is occurring that we are unaware of, please contact your PSA delegate (listed below) or contact the PSA directly.
Where staff are potentially affected through a change in grade or loss of position, consultation with the union is certainly required. It is important to note the obligation to consult goes beyond that. It also covers workload issues, accommodation and technological change issues, changes to procedures and practices, training and development and related matters.
We also discussed the NLP Commonwealth funding. Whilst we all hope the bids for this funding are successful, we urged the department to consider options for staff members in case there are difficulties with that funding. We will keep this on the agenda at all upcoming meetings.
Work Health and Safety
On the day prior to the JCC the Delegates Committee had a discussion relating to Work Health and Safety. We are aware there currently exists a State WHS Working Group along with individual regional WHS Committees within LLS and we urge members to communicate any relevant issues to these committees
It is always a concern that in many areas of employment staff do not fill in incident reports when issues arise. This is essential in making management aware of issues that need to be addressed. Also they become a valuable record. Further, incident reports can be provided for near incidents or near misses.
Incident reports can also be appropriate for a variety of situations you have encountered. The ultimate purpose is to prevent and resolve issues impacting on the safety of employees.
Risk analysis and Safe Work Method Statements are required for all activities undertaken. We undertake automatic risk assessments for minor things all the time; from crossing the road to carrying items from one spot to another. The more complex or potentially hazardous the activity the more structured and detailed should be the risk assessment. If risk assessments are not being conducted where appropriate raise this with your manager. If this doesn’t assist then contact your PSA delegate.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 allows for situations where a worker may cease unsafe work. This should be used carefully but an awareness of your rights regarding health and safety is important. Further advice on this can be obtained from the union.
Your delegates are listed here.