LPI legislation passes Upper House, but union secures improved protections - Public Service Association

LPI legislation passes Upper House, but union secures improved protections

LPI legislation passes Upper House, but union secures improved protections 23 September 2016 (PDF Version)

The Land and Property Information NSW (Authorised Transaction) Bill 2016 (NSW) unfortunately passed the Upper House last week.

PSA staff and members worked tirelessly lobbying State MPs about the dangers of privatising LPI.  This important work resulted in the PSA gaining the support of Labor, the Greens and the Shooters and Fishers Party to vote against the Bill. Whilst this wasn’t enough to defeat the Bill,  (as it still passed with the support of the Christian Democrats), the PSA was able to secure a doubling from 2 to 4 years for the protection of conditions and job security upon transfer to private sector employment.

Whilst the defeat of the Bill would have been the best possible outcome, the doubling of the time that your conditions are protected is a significant win for LPI members.  This would not have been possible without the tireless campaigning and lobbying from PSA staff, delegates, and members.

Over the last 18 months, the PSA has campaigned strategically to bring attention to the community about the effect the privatisation of LPI would have on them.  Members should be proud of the actions they have supported, including petitions, rallies, work bans, stop work meetings and protests.

You have made a difference

Your actions in this PSA campaign have successfully defended Valuation Services and Information Sourcing from privatisation and doubled the amount of time your conditions are protected from 2 to 4 years.

Escalating the campaign to Defend Public Services

In addition to our lobbying efforts, the PSA has entered the next phase of our Defending Public Services campaign by launching our Stop the Secret Sell-off website, billboards, radio ads and petition.  Last Wednesday, LPI members were out in force joining together with PSA members from Sport and Recreation, TAFE, Trustee and Guardian, Disability Services, child protection and Government Records as well as other unions, community groups and politicians to protest Baird’s mass privatisation of NSW. The protest received some good news coverage including Channel 7 Prime. You can see photos HERE and the 7 Prime story HERE

What now

The PSA is urging all members to now get  online and sign the Secret Sell off petition. This petition  calls on the NSW Government to:

  • protect our valuable public services from privatisation; and
  • introduce “follow the money” laws for financial scrutiny and accountability.

You can sign this petition HERE

For more information visit:




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