Media controversy over the use of Ministerial Drivers - Public Service Association

Media controversy over the use of Ministerial Drivers

Members may be aware of the current media controversy over the use of Ministerial Drivers and vehicles by NSW Government Ministers.

Your union, the PSA, has been in contact with Delegates to ascertain members’ concerns in relation to recent events.

The PSA has been contacted by the Premier’s Department following the announcement by Chris Minns that current Guidelines on Ministerial Drivers will be subject to review.

The parties will begin consultation in relation to this Policy review shortly.  This aligns with the parties agreeing at a recent Joint Consultative Committee meeting on 30 January to consult on the review of the Premier’s Transport Services Fatigue Management and other Work Health and Safety Framework procedures.

If members have any concerns or seek further advice, they need to contact the PSA on quoting the call number C10002846.

The PSA will send a further bulletin to members to update you on the status of the agreed consultation on the policy reviews.


Greg Shaw PSA Senior Industrial Officer

Claudia Bianchi PSA Organiser

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