Member update: PSA Dispute - Conciliation with Department of Education over Organisational Change - Public Service Association

Member update: PSA Dispute – Conciliation with Department of Education over Organisational Change

The PSA recently conducted members meetings within the Teaching Learning and Student Wellbeing (TLSW) and Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) divisions, after filing a s130 dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC), concerning the Department of Education’s (DoE) failure to genuinely consult over organisational change(s). We thank members for providing questions, concerns and feedback concerning the department’s restructure announcements and proposals.

Genuine consultation involves sharing all relevant and pertinent information with staff and the union; and must provide the opportunity for consideration of feedback to influence the final change proposal(s).

In the dispute the PSA requested that department provide an Organisational Change Schedule for the year; and comprehensive Change Management Plans (CMP) in all instances, in accordance with the Public Service Commission’s (PSC) Agency Change Management Guidelines. The Change Management Plan must clearly outline the department’s Placement and Redeployment Processes for supporting retention of all impacted staff; together with, adherence to the government’s Workforce Mobility Placement Policy (2023) and Managing Excess Employees Policy (2011).

The PSA wishes to update members that we attended the Industrial Relations Commission on 16 September 2024 for compulsory Conciliation.

The outcome of the Conciliation was as follows:

  1. DoE to provide the PSA with a PSC-compliant draft Change Management Plan by COB 17 September 2024.
  2. DoE to provide the PSA with a thorough breakdown of data and information concerning impacted staff in TLSW division, including in the Teaching Quality and Impacts Directorate
  3. Initial Consultation period extended (for staff and the PSA) to 24 September 2024.
  4. DoE to provide the PSA with an Organisational Change Management Schedule outlining the department’s proposed divisional/directorate restructures, to be announced between now and the end of the year.

The Judge in the proceedings, noted the above commitments on record and asked the parties to Report Back on 3 October 2024.

The parties have also undertaken to meet out of session with Peter Riordan for an update and report on the Embedded Services Review.

You can be assured that the PSA conveyed to the Commission, member concerns about having access to clear and detailed information and responses to questions, including more forums supporting this, during the consultation period, prior to finalisation of the change plan. Members have conveyed that they wish to be heard, and to know that their feedback may influence the outcome. The PSA also conveyed that we expect advance notice of announcements, and that all departmental communications to employees and the union, should demonstrate adherence to the Public Service Commission’s Agency Change Management Guidelines (2011), and the government’s Workforce Mobility Placement (2023) and Managing Excess Employees policies (2011).

The PSA understands this is a period of uncertainty and we will continue to advocate for best practice communications, processes and employee wellbeing supports, during this period of organisational change.  The PSA will continue to update and support members through this challenging time.

Stay connected

Remember, you are not alone in this process. Your union is here to provide support and advice.  We are committed to ensuring that your rights are protected and that restructuring processes are carried out fairly and transparently.

PSA Staff

Katy Ambler, Industrial Officer

Peta Noke, Organiser

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