National Parks Wildlife Service Award update - Public Service Association

National Parks Wildlife Service Award update

National Parks Wildlife Service Award update – June 2016 (PDF version)

On Wednesday 22 June, PSA delegates and OEH representatives met to further discuss NPWS proposals to change or amend certain provisions in the NPWS Award. Prior to the meeting, the PSA wrote to OEH to offer an alternative proposal.

The key points in the letter are:

  • implementing the existing Savings Implementation Plan (SIP) agreement. The PSA is committed to working in partnership with OEH on the implementation of the 2010 SIP agreement to meet agreed outcomes
  • that all Rangers holding permanent positions are “grand-fathered” to their existing conditions of employment including the right to progress to the top of the Ranger band
  • that the prerequisite of degree qualification remain for all Rangers, e.g. Rangers, Senior Rangers and Area Managers
  • that temporary Rangers are directly appointed at current grade
  • that the PSA does not support the introduction of Monday-to-Friday roles for Field Officers who are based in the Southern Ranges Region
  • that Southern Ranges Region Temporary Field Officers are directly appointed at the current grades.

At Wednesday’s meeting, the PSA sought clarity and definition on role descriptions for a future Ranger classification. When asked to consider how capabilities compare against the proposed classification, the agency could not provide a detailed capability assessment.

The PSA continues to be willing to negotiate, however cannot in good faith continue discussions with the agency without clarity on what your role (or band) classification will be in the future. The PSA believes the current role description represents the base level requirement for any classification.
It is unfortunate that the meeting broke down when OEH representatives decided to leave without reaching agreement on any of the issues discussed.

The PSA is in a strong position to maintain and protect your award conditions and we will continue and fight to do so. The PSA advises members that the ‘no extra claims’ clause contained in the NPWS Award continues to apply to all members which means you are protected from any new claims that may be to your disadvantage.

We are stronger together, meaning the more members we have the stronger we are. You can do this by ensuring non-members join the PSA. Joining the PSA allows us to collectively work towards fighting for, and protecting, your rights at work.

Please consider the PSA new membership reward program.  Existing members receive a $75 gift card for signing up a new member. More details HERE.

Your PSA POVD Delegates are:

Sydney Metro – Anita Zubovic

South West Metro – Ben Owers/Raf Pedrosa

Illawarra – Jennifer Bean

South Coast – Alex Deura

Far South Coast – George Malolakis

Blue Mountains – Kim De Govrik

Far West – John Holcombe

North Coast – Peter Clark

Southern Ranges – Steve Carter/Trish Swain

New England/Far North Coast – Ann Walton/Martin Smith

What can I do?

  • Speak to your fellow colleagues and get them interested in our campaign
  • Ask a fellow worker to join the PSA so we are stronger together
  • Print this and stick onto your PSA notice board or send to a non-member.

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