Non-Custodial Joint Consultative Committee Report Back - Public Service Association

Non-Custodial Joint Consultative Committee Report Back

Non-Custodial Joint Consultative Committee Report Back - June 2021

Every quarter, your elected NCDC delegates, along with PSA Industrial staff, meet with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) Executive and HR representatives to raise and progress issues on behalf of members in the NCDC Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).

The most recent JCC took place in May 2021 and included discussion of the following matters:

CSI Drivers

There are a number of issues, including Award coverage, being progressed through the Group Director, Industries and Education with meetings taking place out of session. This item will remain on the JCC agenda to ensure those meetings are adequately progressing.

Non-Custodial administrative tasks

A meeting was held with A/C Corcoran in March 2021 outlining PSA concerns around PBCAP numbers for Admin and a lack of clarity around tasks and consistency of numbers. The PSA was able to retain a number of positions originally planned for deletion. With the Self-Service booking system being rolled out in the coming months, there will be an updated activity/task matrix provided to the PSA to clarify functions for administrative roles in centres.

Senior SAPOs

The PSA sought clarification on the rollout of the SSAPO supervision model, further advice will be provided at the next meeting.


Psychologist reclassification process

The PSA is having ongoing discussions with CSNSW about improving the reclassification process for psychologists. This has already resulted in a significant new cohort of members being able to successfully be reclassified as specialists. This work is ongoing with CSNSW providing advice on how their process aligns with the rest of DCJ.

HIPU programs, SSIP, intervention pathways, Macquarie Group facilitation

The PSA expressed concerns that a whole range of changes are being introduced in OSP to achieve Premier’s Priorities but with little consultation with the PSA. There will be ongoing consultation with delegates on these changes in out of session meetings.

Offender Services & Programs and Case Management Unit

Following a meeting of various sub-branches in March, a Working Party is being developed to review Case Management functions and work through any concerns. This will include representatives from COVB and NCDC.

Visit Processing

Delegates and the PSA were provided with a presentation on changes to visit processing through Just Connect. This will be rolled out to centres in the coming months.

Lack of consultation on psychologist co-facilitation

The PSA had previously threatened a dispute around a plan to implement co-facilitation via an email to all OS&P members in March with no consultation. This has now been withdrawn pending consultation and meetings are taking place out of session with your delegates.

Next meeting

The next JCC meeting will take place in August 2021. Members are encouraged to raise important collective matters they would like discussed through their NCDC delegates. If you are unsure who this is, please contact your PSA industrial staff below.

For any individual matter, please contact the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

If you would like to find out more about becoming more involved as a delegate or organising a PSA visit in your workplace, we would love to hear from you!

A union workplace is a stronger workplace! Know a colleague who’s not a union member? Get them to JOIN THE PSA TODAY!

Your PSA industrial staff:

Chris Auld – Organiser

Roland Harris – Industrial Officer

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