Office of Environment & Heritage member update
Office of Environment and Heritage member update – March 2017 (PDF version)
The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) gave an undertaking at a meeting held 8 February 2017 that it would provide a letter to the PSA acknowledging the PSA’s position on the offer of hard barriers for the Ranger classifications. The PSA received the letter Tuesday 28 February which can be viewed HERE.
On Wednesday, March 1 2017, the PSA in good faith put a counter proposal to the OEH. The POVB delegates who developed it believed it was consistent with future parks direction. Read the counter proposal HERE.
The OEH took two working hours from receiving the proposal to decline what delegates believed was an opportunity for the PSA, National Park Rangers and OEH management to work together developing future National Parks.
The OEH replied to the proposal via email, stating it declined any engagement on this offer. It was not even prepared to meet to discuss the offer.
It is obvious OEH management does not want to consult or negotiate in good faith and consider a proposal that our members would find supportive and beneficial to the agency.
The PSA has lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relation Commission of NSW in relation to the creation of a Principal Project Officer role based in Narooma without any consultation with the PSA.
In addition on Thursday 2 March, PSA General Secretary Stewart Little and a PSA delegation met with the Minister for the Environment, Ms Gabriella Upton. Minister Upton listened to the PSA’s concerns and advised she would seek further information regarding those concerns.
It is disappointing, in this the 50th year of NSW NPWS, OEH management is more interested in cutting the conditions of staff than celebrating the valuable work you do. Despite this, the PSA has started developing a positive campaign celebrating 50 years of NSW NPWS and is currently planning celebratory events. Details will be sent once they are confirmed. For more information, please “like” and follow the following Facebook page HERE.