Office of Environment & Heritage National Parks and Wildlife Service Industrial Bulletin No: 5 - Public Service Association

Office of Environment & Heritage National Parks and Wildlife Service Industrial Bulletin No: 5

Office of Environment & Heritage National Parks and Wildlife Services Industrial bulletin No 5 – July 2016 (PDF version)

As advised in Industrial Bulletin No: 4, the PSA and Office of Environment & Heritage (OEH) could not come to agreement on an award variation.

Prior to the meeting, OEH wrote to the PSA seeking a variation of the award for the Ranger classification.

OEH proposed that the Ranger classification bands in the future, if accepted by members, be as follows:

Ranger Grade 1

Ranger Grade 1/1 (1 Level 1)

Ranger Grade 1/2 (1 Level 2)

Ranger Grade 1/3 (1 Level 3)

Ranger Grade 1/4 (1 Level 4)

Ranger Grade 2

Ranger Grade 2/1 (2 Level 1)

Ranger Grade 2/2 (2 Level 2)

Ranger Grade 2/3 (2 Level 3)

Ranger Grade 3

Ranger Grade 3/1 (3 Level 1)

Ranger Grade 3/2 (3 Level 2)

Ranger Grade 3/3 (3 Level 3)

Senior Ranger

OEH also provided the following information regarding the implementation of the new Ranger classification.

“The new Ranger classifications would be implemented by moving existing ongoing Ranger staff directly into the new level inside the applicable grades based on the current salary of the Ranger. Rangers will progress inside the applicable grade and movement between grades will be by merit selection as vacancies arise from time to time. No existing ongoing Ranger will suffer any loss to their base salary and they may continue to progress to new levels inside the new grade until the top of that grade is reached.

Degree qualification

I have listened to the PSA concerns about the requirement for degree qualifications for Rangers. I propose that the degree qualification remain as a prerequisite for the Ranger Grade 3 and Senior Ranger classifications. Ranger Grade 1 and Ranger Grade 2 positions would not have degree requirements, however all roles at those grades will be required to have “relevant qualifications and/or demonstrated experience” in accordance with the GSE capability framework.”

A large number of Rangers have already progressed to the top of the existing Ranger classification.

The PSA considered OEH hard barriers proposal, but could not agree to the removal of degree qualifications for Rangers at the 1 and 2 level.

By removing degree qualifications for Ranger bands Grade 1 and 2, OEH could initiate a restructure of each National Park area and implement a complete new Ranger structure.

OEH have stated a large number of current Rangers are at the highest band; therefore, the Rangers at that band would have to compete for their roles and win on merit.

If Rangers were unsuccessful in applying for a Grade 3 or 2 Ranger role they may become an excess employee and could potentially be all forced out of the organisation.

OEH could not give the PSA an undertaking that there would not be area restructures after the introduction of the hard barriers.

The PSA will continue its efforts to secure a Ranger structure which is fair and maintains the employment of our current Rangers.


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