Office of Sport Draft Covid19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure: We want to hear from you!
The PSA met with the Office of Sport on Thursday 21st October 2021 to commence consultation on the Draft Covid-19 Vaccination Policy and Procedure. We were advised that staff will be provided with the draft policy and other relevant information and there will be information sessions for staff as well as opportunities to discuss concerns with management, and we encourage members to attend these.
As part of the consultation process we want to hear your feedback and address any concerns you may have. We have arranged a meeting to be held online via Zoom so that we can update you with information and discuss what feedback you may wish to provide:
Tuesday 26th October 2021 11:30am-12:00pm online via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 938 0315 0750
Passcode: 7aUwMH
If you are unable to attend you can also contact the PSA and provide feedback directly:
Your PSA Organiser Simone Scalmer
Member Support Centre 1300 772 679
Do you know someone who still needs to join the PSA? Forward this to your colleagues
You can support the work of the PSA and delegates to get better outcomes for everyone just by asking your colleagues to JOIN the PSA.
Forward this email to them so that they can be part of a growing union that protects its members and wins.