POVB John Morony update
POVB John Morony update – August 2017 (PDF version)
As you all would be aware, the John Morony contract to keep the facility in public hands was signed this morning. There had been rumours the centre was still going private, but today these fears can finally be put to bed.
Many members may be aware that last week John Morony had an acting-up ban in place. Several rumours went around in regards to the bans, but these were placed due to members not being happy with the HR process for staff to other centres.
Jason Charlton, Dave McCauley and I attended a meeting with HR representatives, Governor Ivan Calder (bid team), Malcolm Brown (JM Acting Governor Current Centre) and delegates Pat McKay and Colin Brice on Friday, 11 August, 2017. The meeting was productive and positive outcomes were reached. These outcomes were put to members, so the bans were lifted.
We will be meeting again tomorrow at John Morony where we will have more information as to staff placement at other centres. There will be another meeting the following Tuesday for the next step in the process.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, 17 August 2017 for SCOs to be told the operation of the centre under the new contract. This will give current SCOs the opportunity as to whether or not they wish to remain at the centre.
There are 62 positions to be filled in the centre. The majority of these positions will be casual to permanent. If you are a casual who did not apply for casual to permanent approximately four or five months ago, and who is interested in John Morony then please forward your expression of interest/resume to Effie Serena via email.
The POVB Executive will continue to work closely with the delegates of John Morony and the members during this time of change.
Nicole Jess
Chairperson, POVB
If anyone has any questions they wish to inquire about please contact:
Nicole Jess – Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton – Vice Chairperson
0401 5009 976
Thor Sutherland – Country Chairperson
0447 633 476
Natalie Howes – Secretary
0407 011 441
Darren King – Assistant Secretary
0407 935 039